Dr/Ragab Hamed

Dr/Ragab Hamed

We strive to raise the level of our services to meet the requirements of the local market and the international market where our goal has become to deliver a message to our customers that they are partners to us as they have become the credit after God Almighty in reaching the level of leadership in our field with their confidence and support Finally, and most importantly, thanks and appreciation to the Board of Directors in full and many thanks and gratitude to the employees of the company in all departments who have made every effort to meet the requirements of our customers as they work as a team and raise the ceiling of their ambitions.

Dr/Akram Saad

Dr/Akram Saad

A result driven management executive with multi-faceted manufacturing and science & industry experience. Strong general management qualifications in strategic planning, manufacturing, production scheduling and control, inventory/management, project management, warehousing, distribution, budgeting/finance, human resources, and capital improvement. Fully computer literate and fluent in both English & Arabic Considering risk impact which results in financial damages for assets, my knowledge and experience gained as a Certified Cost Professional, MBA, Project Management Professional and PhD in Project Management will add value to our organization. I have gained knowledge in every corner of the Management profession. Go to Lean tactic, production management-based approach to strategic delivery, to maximize value and minimize waste, improving the flow of processes by the elimination of waste. Works in the multi-cultural workforce, Managing Stakeholders and the capability of providing technical leadership in a multidisciplinary environment. Presented Technical Papers in Conferences around the globe.

Who we are
Sabayik Group
Our Offices

Al-Derwaza Towers 51, Floor 5-15

97569058 - 65919047 - 67785258